
Deal 1221: Nose jobbed

I fumed quietly in my throne room. I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. But it wouldn’t need to be the case if those incompetent fools hadn’t botched things quite so badly. There really was no hope for it other than to use my power to end their careers.

They deserve nothing less than a total loss after what they have done.

What did they do you wonder?

Are you on their side? Are you working against me? For them?

How dare you question my motives, my injury, and the harm done to my reputation by their incompetence?

How dare you sir.

So it is decided, this latest affront will be their last.


You really are taking their side, defending their indefensible actions?

Those imbeciles might as well have been operating with butter knives in place of scalpels with the results they achieved. And then, they have the nerve to sue for Peace?



I say it again. I will settle for nothing less than their bankruptcy.

I went into their care because my nose was leaning an entire millimeter to the left. Now, today, it is clear that my nose is leaning an entire millimeter to the right!

How could this happen?

They must pay for their errors!


Deal 1220: The Pitch

The possibilities are endless, follow my path and you can truly become anything you can imagine. Wealth. Beauty. Fame. Anything.

My method is simple, and anyone can join in and benefit.

All for a small investment. A token of commitment and good faith.

The good faith is the key, with that everything else becomes possible.

The alternative is to live as you are, changing nothing, with no prospects, and no excitement. No commitment, no investment in the outcome. Live. Pay nothing. Remain as you are. Trapped in an unchanging world.

Or make an investment in your future self. Change to anything you want to be.

The choice is yours.


Deal 1217: Madness

My name is Bart Queen, which certainly paints a picture of my childhood all by itself. In many ways it is surprising that I got out of my teen years alive. Then they found me, recruited me, trained me. And here I am today. Is that my real name? Of course it is. That said, even if it weren’t it would do me no service to admit that. We might as well agree that my name remains as I said.

I am here to court your daughter.

At the same time, we are here to warn your daughter.

I am a court jester, a magician, a spy, and a bank clerk.

We must jump in here and observe that only about a quarter of what is said is true. We hate what we have become, and hate the idea of perpetuating the myth.

Don’t mind that. I am what I am, and all of that is worth knowing. I am here because I know this, and I know that your daughter does too. She will have said some things about me, I am sure.

All lies, mind you. We keep the truth close to our vest, because We know that most people cannot handle the truth. We look in the mirror and see the same chiseled features that we have since our youth. But behind our eyes, we see trouble brewing. Trouble that will overtake any normal situation and call everything she thinks she know about me into question.

I look in the mirror and love what I see. My chiseled features have earned their wrinkles and worry lines honestly.

Honest? You wouldn’t know honesty if it bit you on the—

Right. That’s that then.